Vegas Roulette Wheel
Roulette is a spinning wheel that contains slots numbered 1 to 36, as well as two additional slots, 0 and 00. A white ball is spun around the wheel as the wheel rotates, and when the ball loses speed, it drops, falling into one of the numbered slots.
- Playing Roulette in Las Vegas Roulette is a spinning wheel that contains slots numbered 1 to 36, as well as two additional slots, 0 and 00. A white ball is spun around the wheel as the wheel rotates, and when the ball loses speed, it drops, falling into one of the numbered slots.
- Betting on green pays out either 35 to 1 or 17 to 1, depending on the roulette variation you're playing and your bet. In American roulette, the wheel features a green 0 and 00, while the European.
In Las Vegas, roulette slots are numbered from 1 to 36 alternating between red and black. There are also two green slots numbered 0 and 00. Some casinos also offer the European style roulette, which has a single 0 along with the standard 36 numbers.

The purpose of Las Vegas casino roulette game is to try and guess which numbered slot the ball will fall into next. You place your bets on the roulette layout according to where you think the ball might land. There is a house advantage of 5.26% if the ball lands in the 0 or 00 pocket. If that happens, all the other wagers will automatically lose.

Roulette wheel; Spin the roulette wheel and hold your breath as the bouncing white ball rolls around the black and red pockets until it loses its speed and determines the winning bet. You will find three colors on the roulette wheel – red and black, which mark pockets numbered between 1 and 36, and one or two green pockets numbered 0 and 00.
Roulette Betting Options
Play begins when the players have placed their bets by putting their chips on the numbered layout. Players can place a variety of 'inside' bets by selecting the number of the pocket the ball will land in, or a range of pockets based on their position. Players can also place 'outside' bets which are bets on various positional groupings of pockets, pocket colors, or whether it is odd or even. The payout odds for each type of bet is based on its probability. Las Vegas casino tables usually imposes minimum and maximum bets, and these rules usually apply separately for all of a player's 'inside' and 'outside' bets for each spin. You should ask the Dealer about any minimum and maximum betting limits at your table.
The dealer then spins the small white ball in the opposite direction of the spinning wheel. Bets may be placed until the ball is about ready to leave the track and the dealer signals 'no more bets'. The ball falls into a slot, the dealer calls out the winning number and bets are paid accordingly.
** The value of your chip is determined by the price you pay for them.
In the game of Roulette you're wagering that a ball spun around the track of the roulette wheel will come to rest on a number or color of your choice.

A player may bet on single numbers
A player may bet on rows of numbers
A player may bet on adjacent numbers
A player may also play colors
A player may bet on odds or even numbers
Checks (chips) can be bought in stacks of 20 from the dealer. Each player is given a different color check. You can make as many bets as you wish (up to the table payoff limit.)
European roulette tables in Las Vegas
There are a number of European roulette tables in Las Vegas. You can find them at the Bellagio, Mirage, MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, ARIA, Wynn and Encore.
Roulette Betting Guide
Type | Bet | Payout | |
Inside Bet | |||
A | Straight up | Single number bet | 35 to 1 |
B | Split | Double number bet | 17 to 1 |
C | Street | Three number bet | 11 to 1 |
D | Corner bet | Four number bet | 8 to 1 |
L | Five number bet | 0-00-1-2-3 | 6 to 1 |
E | Line | Six number bet | 5 to 1 |
Outside Bet | |||
F | Column Bet | 12 numbers in a row | 2 to 1 |
G | Dozens | Twelve numbers above the space | 2 to 1 |
H | Red or Black | By Color | Even Money |
I | Odd or Even | By Number Pattern | Even Money |
J | High number bet | Highest 18 numbers (19-36) | Even Money |
K | Low number bet | Lowest 18 numbers (1-18) | Even Money |

Odds range from 35-1 to even money. Red and black, odd or even, 1-18 box and 19-36 box all pay even money. Rows of 12 numbers pay 2 to 1. Any single number pays 35 to 1. For split bets payout is 17 to 1, any group of five pays 6 to 1. Any group of four pays 8 to 1. Any group of three pays 11 to 1. One of two numbers pays 17 to 1.
Straight Up - A bet on an individual number, including zero (0). The bet is placed directly on top of the chosen number. Chances of Winning (35/1)
Split Bet - A bet can be placed on any two adjacent numbers, by placing the bet on the line between your two chosen numbers. Chances of Winning (17/1)
Street Bet - A bet is placed on the outer boundary line of the roulette table, next to the corresponding row of three numbers. It is worth noting that street bets can be place on 0, 1, and 2 or 0, 2 and 3. Chances of Winning (11/1)
Corner Bet - This is a bet on four numbers at the same time. You place your bet on the cross where the four numbers intersect. You can have a corner bet on 0, 1, 2 and 3 by placing your bet on the upper right boundary line between 0 and 3. Chances of Winning (8/1)
Line Bet - A line bet covers two street bets, i.e. six different numbers in two rows of three numbers. The bet is placed on the closest boundary line of the table, on the dividing line of the two rows. Chances of Winning (5/1)
Column Bets - On the short side of the roulette table there are three boxes marked “2 to 1”. A bet in one of these boxes marks all twelve numbers above it. Does not include zero (0). Chances of Winning (2/1)
Dozen Bet - A bet placed in any of the three boxes on the long side of the roulette table marked “1st 12”, “2nd 12” or “3rd 12” gives you a bet on twelve numbers. Chances of Winning (2/1)
Red/Black, Even/Odd or Hi/Lo - A bet placed in one of the six boxes furthest out on the long side of the table covers half the numbers, eighteen in total (excluding 0). Chances of Winning (Evens)
LasVegasHowTo Video
Straight Bets
Sample Bet | Sample Bet Position on Layout | |
A | Straight Up | Any one number including 0 and 00 |
B | Column Bet | Any number in the corresponding winning vertical column |
C | Any Dozen | Any number in the corresponding winning dozen |
D | Red or Black | Any number in the corresponding winning color |
E | 1-18 or 19-36 | Any number in the corresponding winning section |
F | Even or Odd | Corresponding Winning Even or Odd Number |
Combination Bets
Sample Bet | Sample Bet Position on Layout | |
G | Two Numbers | Any one number including 0 and 00 |
H | Three Numbers | Any number in the corresponding winning vertical column |
I | Four Numbers Pays off on 20, 21, 23, 24 | Any number in the corresponding winning dozen |
J | Five Numbers Pays off on 0, 00, 1, 2 or 3 | Any number in the corresponding winning color |
K | Six Numbers | Any number in the corresponding winning section |
L | Two Numbers | Corresponding Winning Even or Odd Number |
M | Same as L, this is a courtesy wager position for customers to bet on 0 and 00. |
Roulette House Advantage and Expected Lose
House Advantage | For Every $100 bet, the player can expect to lose | |
Single Zero | 2.7% | $2.70 |
Double Zero | 5.3% | $5.30 |
Tips & Things you should know about Roulette
- Seats at the roulette table are for players only.
- You may place your bets while the ball is spinning around the rim of the Roulette wheel, but once the ball descends into the area with the numbered pockets the dealer will call, 'No more bets.' and you should stop.
- It is difficult to outline a strategy for winning big at Roulette, because the house advantage is so strong.
- Bet SPLITS instead of STRAIGHT UP numbers.
- Time is your enemy, play for five minutes on black or red, or even or odd.
- There is no mathematical or statistical method to accurately predict where the ball is going to land. Roulette is a game of pure chance, and barring exceptional circumstances, no strategy can overcome the built-in house percentage.
- In the end it is luck and not strategy that governs this game.
- Get in, make your money, and get out.
- Cash all your roulette chips after play. The chips are special to the roulette table, and are not redeemable by the cashier or used in any other games.
- Being a game of chance, it is also a game where a player can walk in and win big with no skill at all.
- Always remember you will not get rich at this game. In the long run you will lose money.
This website encourages you to play responsibly by betting within your limits and by recognizing that over time the house will come out ahead.
Did you know...
There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.More Las Vegas Facts.
Las Vegas Roulette Wheel Picture
Responsible Gaming
Vegas Roulette Table Maximums
This website encourages you to play responsibly by betting within your limits and by recognizing that over time the house will come out ahead.