How To Bet On Basketball

We will now look into some of the factors you have to consider when pondering to bet on basketball, it has its own intricacies that may not be obvious at first. We will use the highly rated NBA league for our examples throughout this article. Now let's get to it, get ready to learn how to bet on basketball.

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How to bet on basketball - The Matchup

The obvious first check before you bet is to check the opponents of your team. How well do your team match up previously versus this team? Do they traditionally struggle more against this team than similar rated teams? This could be due to a bad stylistic matchup, the team may play a high paced quick break offense which some teams struggle to cope with, or they may have a strong front court which your team may not have the personnel to defend. It is very important to look at those much more specific things, rather than only the averages of statistics available.

You also have to take a look at specific player matchups. Your team may rely on their Centre to score the most points on the team, do the opponents have a quality defensive Centre that will be able to neutralize the threat? Perhaps have they played against each other before? Check out how they fared against each other then. If you end up thinking they will be able to neutralize the Centre you would have to take that into account and judge if your team has players in other positions to take over some of the scoring.

  1. There are different basketball betting types that a bet brokerage has to offer. Find out what betting form best suits you and how you can earn money in this well-loved sport.
  2. Top Basketball Betting Articles Download Basketball Betting Apps Basketball betting has changed over the past few years with most wagers being taken via mobile apps rather than retail sportsbooks. brings you an extensive online basketball betting guide on how and where to bet on NBA basketball. We also cover picks and prediction analysis on all basketball games.

How to bet on basketball - Injuries


Injuries are an important consideration for betting in any sport but they are especially important in basketball. In the NBA teams have a maximum squad of 15 players with only a maximum of 12 active ones for any game. If a team loses a starter to injury then this seriously affects the minutes their reserve players have to play and can have a very large negative effect on the team’s chances of winning. As this sort of news obviously moves betting lines, be sure to pay close attention to player injuries when you think you have spotted a good bet. This, so you can walk away from the bet should such news arrive.

How to bet on basketball - Schedule

Unlike football with at least a few days rest between games basketball matches can take place on consecutive nights, this is an important consideration when looking at the value of a bet. A team may have had a few consecutive road games meaning they will be extra tired, and players may be carrying knocks or injuries. It’s obviously important to factor this into their chances of winning. On the opposite side; if a team has had the previous night off then they will be fresher than their opponents and should have an increased chance of winning.

How to bet on basketball -Momentum

Do some teams start slow and finish strong? Do others come out the blocks quickly and fade near the end. This is especially important when betting on markets such as 1st quarter or 1st half scores. You may find your team often starts fast and builds a lead before losing ground when the reserve players come in to give the starting 5 a rest. Would this make betting on the team to win the first quarter more profitable than full time bets? You would have to evaluate if the books have already taken this into account and set the line accordingly first but it’s an important concept to look at. Many a winning bet was placed with this information backing it.

Also, Individual players may carry momentum through a series of games. If a player is on a hot run with improved performances then ask yourself this; will these performances lead to the teams price being reduced for the next game? Some books may take differing views on it so it is wise to shop around for the best prices suiting your bet pick.

How to bet on basketball – the small edges

Again, as we have mentioned in numerous other articles; sports betting is all about taking the small edges when they show up. We want to emphasize that factors such as one night rest might improve the chances of winning versus the team travelling up and down the country, but don’t lose sight over the big picture. We suggest you read our piece on narrow framing for more information on this. Assign the right weight to the info or data, nothing more nothing less. Then move on with your handicapping.

How to bet - Final notes

We hope you enjoyed this beginner article on how to bet on basketball. If you did, do share it with your friends and follow us on your favorite social media site.

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Betting on Virtual Basketball

How To Bet On Basketball

So you want to bet on basketball and the live games aren’t providing you with enough wins or enjoyment? Well, look no further. Virtual basketball is here to save the day. But you don’t need to think you are giving up the sights and sounds of the game or the roar of the crowd, and most definitely not the excitedly anxious feeling of seeing your team coming back in the final quarter.

All of that is presented in high definition and in all its glory.

Virtual sports betting has become a household product for gamers and risk-takers of all types. It has been created, not to replace the actual live action sports, but to provide more frequent and consistent enjoyment.

With real sports you have to watch a game or event that takes hours to unfold. With virtual sports the amount of games available for betting increases many times over.

Where can I play virtual basketball?

The answer to this question is simple. Everywhere. If you have a computer and access to the Internet, virtual basketball is just a click away.

There are many big bookmakers online, and if they provide wagering opportunities, then they likely provide virtual gaming.

How to bet on basketball odds

How To Bet On Basketball Youtube

How To Bet On Basketball

How do I get started?

The first step is to choose which online bookmaking house you wish to play at. Opening an account will have to be done there.

The benefits:

How to bet on basketball
  • You can choose your team
  • Games last 4 minutes, seasons usually last 30 days
  • You can decide how much you won to wager on each game

How do odds work?

Odds place a weighted value on the teams involved in the game. That value is used to offer guidance to bettors regarding their winning chances in this particular race and venue.

For example:

  • If you bet one euro on 2 to 1 odds, you will receive your initial one euro plus another euro, totalling two euros.
  • There is sometimes an odds calculator available on these sites to help out the beginning players.
  • If the odds are not great or the numbers are close, then there is a greater probability that team could be the winner.

How to win?

Players win by choosing the team that has the highest score after the 4-minute, 4-quarter game. Players are shown potential returns and then they are calculated based on the actual finishes.

Virtual basketball is as fun as the real thing, with more games in less time. The bonus is that you can play from your computer chair or couch.